Friday, July 6, 2012

Kiss Me Dirty!!!

This past Saturday I did a race with my sister called the Kiss Me Dirty Race Series! Down at the Golden Spike Arena at the Weber County Fair Grounds. It was so dang fun and I am definitely doing it again next year. My sister, Summerly, was actually the one who told me about it and suggested we do it. It is a 5k where you get absolutely dirty! Hence the name Kiss Me Dirty! You go through about 3 miles of obstancle courses covered in mud, dirt, rocks, and possibly horse manure ;) haha I swear there was some. By the end of the race you are covered from head to toe in mud. But don't worry they don't just let you leave covered in filth! No! After the race they have fireman with hoses and yes....they spray you! It was freezing, but so much fun. When else will I get the opportunity to get hosed down by fireman! haha But the cool thing abuot the whole race is that it takes a couple of dollars from your registration fee and donates it to Gynecological Research! So overall way cool! and way fun! Plus it gave me the opportunity to really bond with my sister. I just hope next year we can get more of the girls to join in on the fun and participate!

My sister Summerly and I before the race! Nice and Clean ;)


  1. Ha ha that looks so fun! I'm not a runner but I have done two 5ks so maybe I could survive and try it with you next year!

  2. You totally should. You don't have to be a runner at all. It's totally fun and laid back. You're more worried about getting dirt all over you then you are about running. Awesome race!
